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One day tour to Zurich

You can take a day trip from Zurich to many beautiful places. You can try to climb to the top of Uetliberg Mount, see the Rhine Falls and the adjacent Schaffhausen, or visit the medieval frescoed town of Stein or St. Gallen, which are just a short drive away.

For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Switzerland. The average cost of renting a car at Zurich airport is 17 euros per day, in the center of Geneva - 20 euros per day.

Mount Uetliberg

Be sure to see Mount Wetilberg if you plan to visit Zurich. Its total height is 871 meters. When you reach the top, you will be able to admire the view of the entire city of Zurich as well as the lake. It's completely free and available all year round. The Uto Kulm's restaurant is splendidly furnished and is located at the top of the mountain. Here you can relax or dine while admiring the scenery from the windows.


The Rhine Falls is the highest and most impressive waterfall in Europe. It has a width of 150 meters and a height of 23 meters. It has been a famous tourist attraction for a long time. Goethe also wrote about this waterfall and appreciated it.

There are two stones in the center of the cascade that can only be reached by boat and are not visible from the ground. One of them can be reached by stairs. Climb to the observation deck at the top, where the Swiss flag flutters, and take a close look at the waterfall. You can also go to the other side.

Stein is a tiny village on the western shore of Lake Constance.

Steingarten is a city in the northeastern region of Switzerland, close to the borders with Germany and Austria. The Rhine River is called the "Pearl of the Rhine". This city is generally considered to be the most medieval in all of Switzerland, and with good reason. Tourists from all over the world are attracted to traditional residences because of the wall paintings on the walls.

Most of the buildings in the city are at least a few hundred years old, but they are all meticulously maintained. Each house is filled with wonderful paintings, sculptures and other decorative items. The city has the appearance of a busy medieval metropolis.

St. Gallen is a picturesque village with two magnificent churches.

St. Gallen is a small town in the northeastern region of Switzerland, nestled in a valley between two mountains. St. Gallen was a Mecca for scientists and artists from all over Europe as it was the epicenter of European knowledge. The monastery, which is over 1300 years old, and the nearby library serve as the heart and soul of the city.

All books are handwritten on lambskin paper. Here, in the library, you can find a large collection of religious paintings and relics, as well as valuable original works.