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Delphi in Phokis, on the slopes of Parnassus Mount

Delphi was once the center of the Hellenic world. They are located at the foot of Parnassus Mount, in the southwest of Phokis, where, according to legend, the Muses once lived. It is here located the famous Kastalsky spring,  which can awaken inspiration.

For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Greece. The average cost of renting a car in Thessaloniki is 16 euros per day, in Santorini - 18 euros per day.

It is located on the site of the sanctuary, founded in honor of the goddess of the earth Gaia and intended for divination. Delphi is an ancient city in which the temple of Apollo was located, where the priestess Pythia prophesied. Now you can see the six columns left from the temple. Delphi is also famous for the Pythian games. The ancient Greeks competed in music and poetry, tried themselves in the sports arena. The stadium has been well preserved to our times; it is designed for seven thousand spectators.

Excavations were carried out on the territory of the city and now you can see what the sanctuary looked like, examine the remains of the theater, the hippodrome. There are also various monuments. Therefore, now in Delphi there are many tourists who come to admire the beautiful views - they open literally from the window of every house or cafe, and you can touch the eternal. And in winter people come here to go skiing, because Mount Parnassus is now a ski resort.

The Museum of Archeology is also of interest, where there is a large collection of statues and other items related to the history of Ancient Greece.