Car rental in Split Airport

Enjoy Split Airport easily by renting a car with us only from 8 €/day.

Car Hire Guide to Airport in Split

Car rental rates are not only expensive, but they can be very confusing if you don't know much about car rental services. Even with the help of the internet, finding car rentals in Split is a daunting task. The best car rental offers in Split Airport are usually the same price from the last time you rented a car, which is usually not more than 2 weeks. Here are some tips to make the search less stressful and more productive.


Do a little research before renting a car from the airport. There are many websites that offer excellent rates for car rental services. They will have information on car rental desks at the airport, information about new offers, and also have reviews of the most popular car hire services. Split's airport website has a car hire search engine that makes the search easy. You just plug in the details of your destination and it will return all the car rental services that can help you travel.


Once you have zeroed in on a few car rental services, call the office. A car rental office in Split can be found in the public area of the airport or in the private section that is often referred to as car park. Most of the offices are open twenty-four hours a day. Call the offices and ask for more detailed information before renting a car. Most of the car rental services in Split will give you a copy of the rental agreement upon signing.


Another way of looking for cheap car rental deals in Split is through the internet. There are numerous websites that offer car rental services for a number of destinations. These companies often advertise special deals and events on their websites. Some of them may even offer you great discounts on the spot if you book online. If you know somebody in the car rental company that knows the area, consider asking them if they can arrange a meeting at the airport with you so that you can get a better idea of how the car rental services work in the area.


Renting a car at the airport in Split is quite easy as long as you know how to go about it. When you arrive, make sure that you check out all the car rental desks to make sure that you have reached the right one. Some of the desks may have specific terms and conditions related to car hire that you should read over thoroughly. Once you are done with the desk, walk towards the car rental area and identify a car that looks suitable. Usually, these cars are the cheapest available ones.


Booking a car in Split airport is quite easy. Most car rental companies have websites, which allow you to book your rental car online. Choose the car that you want online and fill in the booking form. The website normally sends you an activation email, which will allow you to start renting the car from the specified location. All you have to do is wait for the car to come to you. However, you should take care that you drive the car on the day that you have rented it so that you are able to return it in good working condition.

Customer support
+44 203 6084142

Support working hours
English: 24/7 every day

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There are numerous car rental companies operating in Split Airport, which means you have plenty of options.

We work together with all car rental companies in Split Airport and offer special rates from SIXT and EUROPCAR.

Average prices by car class

Estimated fuel prices in Split Airport:

Diesel ~ €1.31
Petrol ~ €1.37
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

Documents needed to rent a car

You'll need a driver's licence, a passport, and a credit card to rent a car in Split Airport.

Driving license
Credit card

Answers to popular questions

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by any car rental company. For additional details, please refer to the "Payment" section of the rental terms and conditions.

+ - Is it possible to rent a car one way?

It is simple with our one way rentals to rent a car and return it one of our Luckycar stations. The one-way charge is always based on the destination and vehicle within the same country or across borders.

+ - What kind of coverage does my rental car have?

The included insurances and covers are specified in the Terms and Conditions under the paragraphs "insurance" and "Included plan in this rental."

+ - How can I change my booking or cancel it?

It costs nothing to cancel within 48 hours of your reservation. Otherwise, the charge is 50 EUR.If your reservation has expired, you can not cancel it.

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