Car rental in Pula airport

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Rent a Car in Pula Airport

Rent a car in Pula airport is the best thing to do if you are looking for a car rental. This place has a lot of luxurious hotels and restaurants that you can enjoy the food and drinks with. You don't have to worry about your transportation needs while you are here because there are a lot of car rental shops available at this airport. This place has a terminal that has four different parking lots. The terminal has a lot of long and short-distance express buses, as well as taxis that can take you to all the directions where you need to go.


If you are going to spend a vacation or visit relatives in Pula, the best time to go is during the weekdays because traffic in the area is a lot heavier during weekends. There are also many car rental offers in Pula airport that you can choose from. Booking a car just a few days ahead is the best thing that you can do to ensure that you get the lowest price for your rented car while here.


One of the best car rental offers in Pula airport is their discount coupons. These coupons are available online and they can be used for discounts on your car rental services when you book them at least two months before your trip. This way, you will be able to save a lot of money and you will not have to spend on the parking fees that are charged during the weekdays.

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+44 203 6084142

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English: 24/7 every day

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There's plenty of car rental suppliers in Pula airport, so you can choose from them.

The Fiat 500 is the most popular model in Pula airport among economical cars.
This vehicle's rental rate starts at €12 per day with popular supplier SIXT.

Estimated rental price for 1 day

Estimated fuel prices in Pula airport:

Diesel ~ €1.31
Petrol ~ €1.37
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

A list of the required document:

A driver's licence, passport, and credit card are required to rent a car in Pula airport.

Driving license
Credit card

Answers to popular questions about car rental in Pula airport

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by any car rental company. For additional details, please refer to the "Payment" section of the rental terms and conditions.

+ - Is it possible to rent one-way?

Just go to the “Where do you like to pick up and drop off?” in the booking engine to get notification that a one-way rental is possible.The one-way rental would be included at the end of the process.

+ - What's my car rental insurance?

If you choose some coverages packages during the reservation, they will be seen at the end of "The insurance" section and "included with this rental."

+ - How do I cancel or change my reservation?

You can cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before the rental begins.The reservation cannot be cancelled if the pick-up period has already passed.

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