Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm) bílaleiga

Njóttu Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm) auðveldlega með því að leigja bíl hjá okkur aðeins frá 8 evrum á dag.

Rental Car Termini Train Station - Explores Rome on Your Holiday

"Noleggia nero, siciliana seguentesio, le prego presto e siciliana tempo siciliana." This famous quote from La Dolce Vita is printed on one of the most beautiful car signs in the world. I am not sure whether it was written by Caterpillia Ortesco or not, but I am very sure about this one. A sign like this is certainly a tourist attraction and a must-see on your trip to Rome.

"Rome is the last city on earth where you can witness the last sunset. You can have the most romantic stroll along with the last glass of champagne as the Roman sun will be rising soon. Choose from a wide range of car rental companies in Rome and make your stay memorable in one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Hertz Car Rental is only five kilometers from the historic center of Rome and the most comfortable and economical way of getting around town.

When planning your trip to Rome, you will have to decide on which part of the city you would like to visit first. Rome is divided into five main districts: Piazza del Popolo, Pinciano, Museo e Galleria Borghese, Sant' Andrea Della Vapore and the Italian State House. At each of these places you will find several car rental companies. At Piazza del Popolo there are two car rental companies, a vintage car hire and a classic car hire. A third classic car rental company, called Carhire d'Adda, is situated between Sforza San Cassiano and Campi del Vascello. All three of these car-rental companies have branches at the famous St Mark's Square as well as at the Trastevere section of the Old Town.

Next you need to decide whether you want to go for a day trip around Rome, a romantic night out or a full day's touring around Rome. If you are going for a day trip then you can rent a car from any of the major car rental companies in Italy, including: Avis, Europcar, Hertz, Easycar and Skyscanner. If you are looking for a romantic night out then you can rent a car from a classic car hire company. You will be able to view sights like the Colosseum, from where the ancient Roman Coliseum was built, the Sistine Chapel, the Arch of Titus and the Forum, the Vatican Museums, the Pantheon and the Piazza Navona, among other historical attractions.

After you have selected a car from one of the car rental companies in Italy, you will need to decide on how long you wish to rent the car for. If you are traveling around Rome on a public bus or metro then you may be able to rent the car for just one day. However, if you are planning to travel around Rome for more than one day then you will probably need to book a car rental online. You should do this as soon as possible, as advance bookings are usually cheaper. Booking online means that you can easily search for car rental prices from the comfort of your own home. Online prices will usually be higher than local prices, so if you are travelling around on a budget then it may be worth hiring a car from the hotel or tourist office around town.

When you rent a car from the Termini train station in Rome, you will be able to take your pick from different car models. The range of makes and models available includes some of the most popular cars from Europe, including the Mercedes Benz, BMW, VW Golf and Audi Avanti; the Citreon and Toyota Auris models; the Nissan pickup, Mitsubishi Eclipse and the Fiat Ducato, amongst others. There are also luxury models, such as the Mercedes Benz E Class, which has been recently launched in the UK.

One of the best ways to make your holiday all the more special is to go on one of the many guided tours that run around the city. Many of these tours start in the Termini Station and continue along the length of the Promenade, taking in some of the sites and sights along the way including the Roman Forum, the Coliseum, the Pantheon and Capuchin Cemetery. You will not want to miss the Tivoli Gardens and the Piazza del Popolo as they are known. Other famous sites include the Santa Trinit dei Cavalli, the Museo e Galleria Borghese and the Piazza del Popolo.

Renting a car in Italy is a great way to experience some of the rich cultural history of one of the leading continents. With thousands of car hire companies to choose from in Italy, it is possible to find the car that suits your needs as well as allowing you to travel around in style. Rome is one of the most important cities in the world, and whether you are touring alone or with family and friends, there is no better way to explore it than with a rental car. You can explore sights like the Coliseum and the Trevi Fountain without having to worry about public transport or being caught by somebody trying to sell you a ticket. You can enjoy all the cultural history of Italy at your own pace and at your own time with a rental car.

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Bílaleigustofnanir í nærliggjandi svæðum

Athugaðu lággjaldabílaleigur á næsta svæði við Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm)
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Það eru fjölmörg bílaleigufyrirtæki sem starfa á Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm), þannig að þú munt hafa nóg af valkostum.

Meðal sparibíla er líkanið Citroen C1 algengasta á Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm). Leiguverð fyrir þetta ökutæki byrjar á líkani €8 verði á dag hjá vinsælum birgi SIXT.

Áætlað leiguverð fyrir einn dag

Meðalverð á bensíni á Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm)

Dísel ~ €1.49
Bensín ~ €1.64
Kostnaður eldsneytis á landsvísu er sýndur. Gögnin eru uppfærð einu sinni í mánuði.
Gögnum er safnað frá ýmsum stöðum, þar á meðal opinberum vefsíðum ríkisins og vefsíðum eldsneytisveitenda. Hafðu í huga að bensínkostnaður í mismunandi borgum gæti verið verulega mismunandi.

Þú verður að leggja fram eftirfarandi skjöl til að leigja bíl:

Ökuskírteini, vegabréf og kreditkort þarf til að leigja bíl á Termini Lestarstöðin (Róm).


Svör við vinsælum spurningum

+ - Má ég leigja bíl án kreditkorts?

Öll bílaleigufyrirtæki þurfa kreditkort. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna í hlutanum „Greiðsla“ í leiguskilmálum.

+ - Er hægt að skila bíl á annan stað?

Sláðu einfaldlega inn þína val- og afhendingarstaði í bókunarvélinni efst á listanum og þú munt sjá viðvörun ef ekki er hægt að leigja aðra leiðina milli tveggja stöðva.Að lokinni aðgerð bætist einhliða leigugjald við heildarupphæðina sem á að greiða.

+ - Hvers konar trygging er innifalin í bílaleigunni minni?

Ef þú kaupir ekki fulla umfjöllun eða aðra tryggingu frá leigufyrirtækinu mun bílaleigubíllinn aðeins hafa lágmarks tryggingar.

+ - Hver eru takmarkanir á leiguakstri?

Skilmálar og skilmálar undir ákvæðinu „Leigan þín inniheldur“ innihalda allar upplýsingar um ávinning þinn af mílufjöldi.Ef leiga þín býður ekki upp á ótakmarkaðan akstur, þá er úthlutun nákvæmrar mílna skráð undir málsgreininni „Upplýsingar um mílufjöldi“.

+ - Hvernig á að breyta eða hætta við bókun mína?

Þú getur afpantað endurgjaldslaust allt að 48 klukkustundum áður en leigan hefst.Ekki er hægt að hætta við pöntunina ef pick-up tímabilið er þegar liðið.

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