Rent a car in Baltimore

Enjoy Baltimore easily by renting a car with us only from 8 €/day.

Rent a Car in Baltimore

Baltimore is a great city located in Maryland. It is one of the busiest cities of the United States, harboring the Harbor and Eastern Baltimore ports. The city is divided into six major districts namely, Fells Point, West Baltimore, Harbor East, Harbor West, and Camden. The city holds numerous events on a yearly basis that attract people from all over the world. Among the major events are the Baltimore Marathon, the Baltimore Comedy Festival, the Baltimore Film Festival, the Grits Game, and the Reggae Festival. In addition to these major annual events, the city holds cultural events such as the Baltimore Jazz Festival, the Taste of Baltimore, and the Taste of West Baltimore.

When it comes to renting a car in Baltimore, you need to make your reservations well in advance as demand for cars increases on a daily basis. To find the best deals, you can call up a car rental company in Baltimore or search them on the Internet. Most companies will quote a fixed rate for pick-up and drop off points, thus you need to settle for a company that offers affordable rates. Some companies may even offer special discounts when you book your reservation online or through the telephone. You should also check whether the company provides free car rental insurance and whether they provide roadside assistance.

Baltimore is surrounded by lovely gardens and scenic vistas. You can drive along the banks of the Charles River and enjoy a boat cruise along the waterfront. Sightseeing activities are not the only reason why you should rent a car in Baltimore. The city has a strong economic presence, and residents are well educated and work in the banking, medical, and manufacturing industries. If you are looking for a place to spend your vacation, Baltimore is definitely the right place for you to choose.

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There is a wide range of car rentals in Baltimore, so you can choose one of them.

For example, during August, you will only pay for €65 per day, but during October, the same car costs only €35 daily.

Average prices by car class

Fuel prices in Baltimore:

The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

Which documents are required for renting a car?

A driver's licence, passport, and credit card are required to rent a car in Baltimore.

Driving license
Credit card

Popular questions about car rental in Baltimore

+ - May I rent a car without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by all car rental companies.Other cards could be declined. More details can be found in the "Payment" section of the rental terms.

+ - Is it possible to return a car to a different location?

Simply type your preferred pick-up and drop-off locations in the booking engine at the top of the list, and you will see an alert if a one-way rental between the two stations is not available.At the conclusion of the operation, the one-way rental fee will be added to the overall amount due.

+ - What does my car insurance cover?

The included insurances and covers are specified in the Terms and Conditions under the paragraphs "insurance" and "Included plan in this rental."

+ - How do I cancel or change my reservation?

You can cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before the rental begins.The reservation cannot be cancelled if the pick-up period has already passed.

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