Car rental in Djerba

Enjoy Djerba easily by renting a car with us only from 8 €/day.

Car Rental Deals in Djerba

The Djerba region of Tunisia is situated on the Mediterranean coast and has a number of islands. These islands have plenty to offer tourists, with many famous attractions like Dama, Mombo and Fes to name a few, but what makes Djerba really stand out from other locales is the abundance of car rental options that are available. There are numerous car hire facilities in Djerba and some of the best ones are listed below. These are just a few of the car hire services that are available in Djerba; there are many more which are available when you get online and search for car rentals Djerba. If you are new to this area or are visiting for the first time, then it is important to compare the various car hire options available and then decide which is best suited for your traveling and holiday needs. It is always advisable to compare different car hire services as each one has its own benefits and pitfalls.


The prices charged by these car rental facilities in Djerba will vary, so it is best to do some research on the prices of the hotels, restaurants, activities and tourist destinations in your destination. By doing some good research on the Internet, you can get a good idea of the budget to book a car for your trip. Most car rental companies in Djerba will have a website, where you can find the exact rates of their car hire service, along with all the information you need. This makes it easy to figure out a budget to plan your trip and not go over it, since you can easily see how much to spend on each service. You can also check out several websites, to see if you can find better deals elsewhere.


A good way to compare car rental rates is through the internet. You can read reviews on different car rental companies, by putting in specific terms such as "Djerba airport transfers" in the search box, and search the results. If you are going to spend a lot of money on a transfer, you will probably want to make sure that you are getting the best car rental offers in Djerba. This can help you save money and still enjoy yourself when traveling to your next destination.

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Additional car rental in the region

Drop-off locations close to Djerba
Nearest airports
Nearest cities
  • Sfax 108.1 km / 67.2 miles
  • Sousse 229.7 km / 142.7 miles

During the summer high season, car rental in Djerba costs 20-30% more than at other times.

We collaborate with all car rental companies and have special rates from budget and sixt

Estimated daily prices in Djerba

Fuel prices in Djerba:

Diesel ~ €0.53
Petrol ~ €0.7
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

Which documents are required for renting a car?

You would need a driver's licence, a passport, and a credit card to rent a car in Djerba.

Driving license
Credit card

Answers to popular questions about car rental in Djerba

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by all car rental companies.Other cards could be declined. More details can be found in the "Payment" section of the rental terms.

+ - Is it possible to return a car to a different location?

Simply type your preferred pick-up and drop-off locations in the booking engine at the top of the list, and you will see an alert if a one-way rental between the two stations is not available.At the conclusion of the operation, the one-way rental fee will be added to the overall amount due.

+ - What kind of insurance does my rental car have?

Depending on the car rental company covering the rental, they can have a variety of extra coverage options, the most popular of which is Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW).

+ - How to modify or cancel my reservation?

You have an option to cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before the rental begins.Otherwise, a fee of up to 50 EUR would be charged.The reservation cannot be cancelled if the pick-up period has expired. NOTE: Several car rental companies have their own termination policies, which you can find in your booking's Terms and Conditions.

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