Ostersund Airport car rental

Enjoy Ostersund Airport easily by renting a car with us only from 8 €/day.

Car Rent a Car in Ostersund Airport

The easiest way to rent a car in Ostersund Airport is to use a local airport transportation service. The airport shuttle buses, which are generally red, yellow or green in color, can pick up travelers at the airport's parking lots and drop them off at their hotels or restaurants. For travelers planning on traveling from further away, there are also airport shuttles that depart from the central bus station and go all the way to the airport, making it easy for the long distance traveler to get from point A to point B. The best car rental offers in Ostersund Airport are usually available on the day of departure or arrival.

Another good option for travelers looking for the best car rental deals in Ostersund is to book an airport transfer. It is important to make arrangements ahead of time so as to make sure you will have a car ready once you reach the airport. A transfer can be arranged from one car hire agency to another at the central bus station or at the airport's parking lot. The cost depends on the distance and duration of the journey.

To make the most out of your stay in Ostersund, it is also advisable to check out what all is included in your package. Most major car hire companies offer packages that include sightseeing in the area, as well as transport to and from the airport, and meals while traveling. For a more flexible rental deal, some of the best car rental offers in Ostersund can also include travel insurance for the duration of the rental period.

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+44 203 6084142

Support working hours
English: 24/7 every day

Other car rental locations in the area

Locations for pickup and drop off near Ostersund Airport
Nearest airports
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There are plenty of car rental companies to choose from in Ostersund Airport.

November and March will be the cheapest months of car rental in Ostersund Airport, where prices begins from €15.

Estimated rental price for 1 day

The average price of gasoline in Ostersund Airport

Diesel ~ €1.58
Petrol ~ €1.58
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

What documents are needed for car rental?

In order to rent a car in Ostersund Airport, you must provide a driver's licence, a credit card, and a passport.

Driving license
Credit card

Popular questions and answers

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by any car rental company. For additional details, please refer to the "Payment" section of the rental terms and conditions.

+ - Is it possible to rent one way?

It is simple with our one way rentals to rent a car and return it one of our Luckycar stations. The one-way charge is always based on the destination and vehicle within the same country or across borders.

+ - What's my car rental insurance?

Depending on the car rental provider they can offer various types of additional coverage, but the most popular is Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW).

+ - How can I change my booking or cancel it?

Up to 48 hours before leasing begins, you can cancel free of charge.A fee of EUR 50 is otherwise retained. The reservation cannot be cancelled if the pick up period is expired.

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