Berjaya Times Square (Kuala Lumpur) car rental

Wide selection of new car models at an affordable price.

Car Rental in Kuala Lumpur, Berjaya Times Square - Enjoy the Shopping, Eat at the Hotels

If you have never visited the famous Berjaya Times Square or the busy shopping and eating destinations in the area, then you are definitely missing out. Kuala Lumpur's busiest district, Times Square is a shopping mecca filled with hundreds of international brands. With malls like Siam and M1 in the centre and a variety of eating and leisure establishments around the corner, it's no surprise that car rental services in Kuala Lumpur are quite popular.


The best way to get around the area and find your favourite brands is to hire a car from one of the many car rental companies in Kuala Lumpur. Depending on the time of the day, there are always buses servicing the area, but they are rarely free as public transport tends to get crowded during the weekends. Buses will take you right to Times Square where you can find a number of restaurants and hotels. Once you have reached the busiest part of the city, you can move inside to get an air-conditioned car which is ideally suited for the blistering temperatures.


The cost of the car hire will depend on the distance you would like to travel and how many days you wish to rent the car for. Most companies in the city will provide you with the rental details, but you can always call up the company you are planning to rent from to find out if there are any special discounts available. Remember to book the trip at least 6 weeks before you intend to use it so you will be able to arrange time to return the car in case anything goes wrong. Another good thing about renting a car in Kuala Lumpur is the fact that you do not have to use your own driver. Many tourists prefer this method as they feel safer as they know the car is being handled by a professional.

Customer support
+44 203 6084142

Support working hours
English: 24/7 every day

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We compare the most reputable car rental companies in Berjaya Times Square (Kuala Lumpur). As a consequence, you'll pay 20% less than the regular rate.

Car rentals are 28 percent cheaper in November than they are in August (when rental rates begin at €28 for a Mini/Compact class).

Estimated daily prices by car class

Estimated fuel prices in Berjaya Times Square (Kuala Lumpur):

Diesel ~ €0.42
Petrol ~ €0.41
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

A list of the required document:

To rent a car in Berjaya Times Square (Kuala Lumpur), you will need a driver's licence, as well as a credit card and a passport.

Driving license
Credit card

Answers to popular questions

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

Almost all car rental companies need a credit card as a deposit.The other cards may be refused.

+ - Is it possible to rent one-way?

Just go to the “Where do you like to pick up and drop off?” in the booking engine to get notification that a one-way rental is possible.The one-way rental would be included at the end of the process.

+ - What's my car rental insurance?

Depending on the car rental company covering the rental, they can have a variety of extra coverage options, the most popular of which is Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW).

+ - How to modify or cancel my reservation?

You can always cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before your rental begins.Otherwise, a fee of up to 50 EUR will be charged.The reservation cannot be cancelled if the pick-up time has passed.

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