Guaranteed Ford Mustang rental in Tel Aviv

Enjoy aour special rates for Ford Mustang in Tel Aviv
Ford Mustang
€60 / Day
Free cancellation

Renting Rates: Ford Mustang in Tel Aviv

The price of renting a car in Tel Aviv may vary from the cost of renting one in any other city. Tel Aviv's rental market is very competitive and you can easily find a good car rental deal with reasonable rates. It is advisable to contact various car rental service providers and compare the rate quotes before you make your decision. A simple online search for car rentals will provide you with a list of companies with various rate quotes.

If you plan on driving during your vacation, you might as well go in for a standard car rental contract. These rates are lower than the rates charged for special vehicles such as race cars and SUVs. The city of Tel Aviv is well connected with different modes of public transport including buses, taxi services, and rail services. It is also possible to rent a car for the duration of your stay in Aviv. You can check out the Internet to check out the availability of different car rental companies.

If you are interested in driving in Israel, you must also ensure that you get yourself an auto insurance that covers you in case you are in an accident. Israel does not have a separate driving law like the US and you must follow the same rules of the roads. In case you are caught driving without insurance, you can be held guilty and your car could be impounded. A valid driving license is compulsory in Israel. You can check out the Internet to obtain a comprehensive list of all the requirements that you need in order to rent a car in Tel Aviv.

Special offer
Ford Mustang rental discounts:

Exclusive deals are available only for preliminary reservation.
When you choose a vehicle labelled with "-20% Off," you will receive a 20% discount.


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