Rent a car in Mulhouse

We have a broad range of vehicles in Mulhouse including economy, luxury and sports.

Rent a Car in Mulhouse

Do you need a car in Mulhouse? Car rentals are available to every kind of consumer in the world, there's no reason why you can't rent a car. If you're an international visitor to the Capital Region who requires a car to get around the city, a car rental is probably your best bet when deciding on how to rent a car in Mulhouse. When looking for the best car rental offers in Mulhouse you should consider the following:


Car rental offers are very competitive; this means that you're more likely to get a great deal on a car rental than in many other cities around the world. This is because car rental companies know that people who choose to rent a car in Mulhouse will want to use it as much as possible once they arrive at the airport. Because the airport in Mulhouse is only two miles from downtown, it makes it convenient for travelers to walk a little bit and to do a little sightseeing. Also, because there aren't that many hotels and resorts within walking distance of the airport, they can offer lower prices to people who are looking for a car rental in Mulhouse.


The best thing about looking for a good car rental in Mulhouse, NY is that the rental offers can be very affordable and there's usually a lot of car rental companies around. There's no need to drive all over the city to find the perfect car rental deal; just look online or in the phone book. Once you find a rental company that offers good prices, you can narrow your search down even more by choosing a specific kind of car or a specific model. If you're planning to rent a car outside of the city, then you'll probably want to ask a representative about special deals that might interest you before you make your final decision.

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+44 203 6084142

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English: 24/7 every day

Other car rental places in the neighbourhood

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There's a wide range of car rental providers in Mulhouse, so you have plenty of options.

For example, during August, you will only pay for €49 per day, but during October, the same car costs only €43 daily.

Estimated daily prices by car class

Fuel prices in Mulhouse:

Diesel ~ €1.45
Petrol ~ €1.57
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

List of required documents

Don't forget to bring your valid driver's licence, credit card, and another form of identification.

Driving license
Credit card

Answers to popular questions about car rental in Mulhouse

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

A credit card is required by all car rental companies.Other cards could be rejected. See the "Payment" details of the rental conditions for more information.

+ - Is it possible to rent one-way?

Rules and Restrictions on One-Way Rentals in Mulhouse:There may be fines or limits for one-way car rental due to insurance requirements and charges for returning cars.However, at Luckycar, we will always let you know if there are any fees or other costs when you book.The cost of a one-way car rental inside the same country or across borders is often determined by the destination and car.

+ - What kind of insurance does my rental car have?

For more details, please check the rental conditions.When you browse for a rental on our website, you can come across these.To access the details, simply click on the "insurance" link.

+ - How to modify or cancel my reservation?

Your reservation can be cancelled for free up to 48 hours before the rental begins at any time.If the reservation time has elapsed, you cannot change or cancel it.

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