Car rental in Beziers airport

Enjoy Beziers airport easily by renting a car with us only from 8 €/day.

Car Rent a Car in Beziers Airport


Many travelers come to Beziers Airport for a variety of reasons. Some fly in from out of town for the wonderful sights and history of this historic city; others want to get a great airport rental. And, still others may just want to rent a car to get to and from the airport since it's often cheaper than other means. Fortunately, there are many car rental offers right around Beziers airport that can fit any budget.


One of the best car rental deals in Beziers is the opportunity to rent a car on the International Drive. This road starts in Paris, goes through Germany and ends up in Italy before ending in London. It's a well known route since it passes through all of the major cities as it travels across Europe. However, this road is also often one of the most expensive ways to travel in France since it passes through some of the most heavily traveled countries in the world. If you're traveling from out of town and don't care about the time, you can book a car to rent at your hotel and then use the local bus service to get you to the Beziers airport, or you can also rent a car from the rental car desks in the airport.


If you aren't sure where to go in Beziers, or if you're looking for a unique experience, you should look into renting a car from a company that specializes in luxury vehicles. These companies will offer you plenty of car rental deals at Beziers airport that will fit into any budget. You can also find out more about car rental services in Beziers by visiting the official website for the airport. You'll find plenty of information on how to get a great car rental deal, how to compare prices, and what to look for in a car rental service.

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Many different car rental companies have a location in Beziers airport, so you will have options.

The cheapest month to rent a car in Beziers airport is October and March, when rates for a standard class start at €21 per day.

Average prices by car class

Fuel prices in Beziers airport:

Diesel ~ €1.45
Petrol ~ €1.57
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

A list of the required document:

In order to rent a car in Beziers airport you need a driver's licence, a passport, a credit card and your reservation confirmation.

Driving license
Credit card

Answers to popular questions about car rental in Beziers airport

+ - Is it possible to rent a car without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by any car rental company. For additional details, please refer to the "Payment" section of the rental terms and conditions.

+ - Is it possible to return a car to another location?

With our one-way rentals, it's convenient tu return a car in another location. Just fill the search form to see the one-way rates.

+ - Which type of insurance is included with my car rental?

The insurances provided in this rental are seen at Terms and Conditions under the section "Package included in this rental."

+ - How do I cancel or change my reservation?

You can cancel for free up to 48 hours before the rental begins. Otherwise, a fee of up to 50 EUR would be charged.The reservation cannot be cancelled if the pick-up deadline has expired.NOTE: Several car rental agencies have their own termination policies, which can be found in the Terms and Conditions of your booking.

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