Rent a car in Jyvaskyla

Enjoy Jyvaskyla easily by renting a car with us only from 8 €/day.

Car Hire Options in Jyvaskyla

Renting a car is now becoming popular among tourists who are visiting Jyvaskyla, Finland. This city is located on the Mediterranean Sea and has several different historical sites that you can visit while you are there. One of the most popular activities that people here do while they are visiting is taking a drive through the nearby mountains. The main thing to note about this drive is that there are many car rental offers in Jyvaskyla that you can avail while you are there. If you are staying in the area you will find plenty of car hire shops that are located at the ports of call that are found along the coast road. These shops usually have offices located at the main car rental hubs that you can go to get your car hired.


There are also many car hire shops that are located within the city of Jyvaskyla itself and are therefore very easy to access. However, there are other car hire shops that are based at the airport that you can get your car hired from. When you go to these car hire shops, you will have to go inside and then walk outside of the building. Many of these shops will have a car waiting for you to rent out and they will often even deliver it directly to you. This makes car rental in Jyvaskyla very convenient for travellers that need to reach their destination quickly and without having to use any public transport.


Another thing to note when you are looking for car rental deals in Jyvaskyla is the availability of cheap car rental offers. There are a lot of people who come to Cyprus to explore the beaches and the sites but some people also choose to rent a car to be able to enjoy a holiday whilst they are here. These car rental offers are available all year round so if you are planning on visiting during the winter months then you can expect to find a car waiting for you in Jyvaskyla. The rates for car hire vary but you should be able to find a car that suits your budget.

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+44 203 6084142

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English: 24/7 every day

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We compare the most reputable car rental companies in Jyvaskyla. As a consequence, you'll pay 20% less than the regular rate.

November and March will be the cheapest months of car rental in Jyvaskyla, where prices begins from €16.

Average prices by car class in Jyvaskyla

Average cost of gasoline in Jyvaskyla

Diesel ~ €1.44
Petrol ~ €1.67
The cost of fuel on a national basis is shown. The data is updated once a month.
Data is gathered from a variety of places, including official government websites and the websites of fuel providers. Keep in mind that gasoline costs in different cities could differ significantly.

List of required documents

In order to rent a car in Jyvaskyla, you must provide a driver's licence, a credit card, and a passport.

Driving license
Credit card

Popular questions about car rental in Jyvaskyla

+ - Can a car be rented without a credit card?

Credit cards are required by all car rental companies.Other cards may be dismissed. See the "Payment" section in the rental conditions for more information.

+ - Is it possible to rent one-way?

Simply type your preferred pick-up and drop-off locations in the booking engine at the top of the list, and you will see an alert if a one-way rental between the two stations is not available.At the conclusion of the operation, the one-way rental fee will be added to the overall amount due.

+ - What does my car insurance cover?

The included insurances and covers are specified in the Terms and Conditions under the paragraphs "insurance" and "Included plan in this rental."

+ - How to modify or cancel my reservation?

It costs nothing to cancel within 48 hours of your reservation. Otherwise, the charge is 50 EUR.If your reservation has expired, you can not cancel it.

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